v23 2019-09-01
- More logging
- Dramatically fewer allocations
v22 2019-05-01
v21 2018-04-30
- In app fetching, pulling, and pushing
- Support editing files in place using Illustrator and photoshop
v20 2018-04-26
v19 2018-04-25
- 64bits!!!
- Add organization settings screen
- Add ability to create new environments
- Add sidebar
- Add link to open in code editor
- Add link to open staged url
v18 2018-03-10
- Build in UI (no more launch delay while downloading)
- Manual UI sync option in development view (up)
- Ability to commit deleted files
- Performance!!!!
v17 2018-03-09
- Open in code editor links (Atom + VSCode support)
v16 2018-03-08
v015 2018-03-07
- Move to Dock!
- Ability to create sites!
- Sidebar!
v14 2018-03-01
- Implement animatables
- Add debug view (up)
v13 2018-03-01
- Implement source control (hit down to get changes view)
- Implement user profiles (name + image)
v12 2018-02-23
- Add staging links to environments
- Save terms agreement
v11 2018-02-22
- Reduce file size
- Remove XCODE and local GIT depedency by querying branch directly
- Automatically SYNC UI on launch
- Intergrate with
v10 2018-02-17
- Fix groupby Organization in Environments list (before they've accepted their first collaboration)
v9 2018-02-16
- Elimate delay between save and sync (HUGE!)
v8 2018-02-15
- Bug fixes
- Combine collaborations and environment views
v7 2018-02-14
- Bypass keychain to save credentials until signed to avoid prompts
- Group repositories by organization
- Ability to select working directory
- Support template includes
v6 2018-02-14
v5 2018-02-12
- Keychain intergration
- Support scss